A bit of background

Maggie received a BA in Education and Studio Art in 1971, from Youngstown State University. During the following decades, balancing family and working life absorbed her time instead of following a  traditional career path in art. Enrollment in private workshops and community art programs provided a hobby practice in printmaking, painting and ceramics.

After retirement in 2013 from academic administration at The University of Texas in Austin, she joined the Community Art Program in ceramics at The Southwest School of Art in San Antonio, Texas. Since then she has created a body of work with pieces exhibited locally and sold to private collectors. A “non-traditional” artist, Maggie considers the whole endeavor to be a continually evolving process.

Clay is a curious shape-shifter; 

its inquisitive nature seeks transformation 

into devices useful to our daily lives; but

sometimes it demands amazing incarnation within forms

  ferreted from the abstract realm of ideas.

Contact Maggie at:  magfitch@gmail.com